Installation notes by:

Web browser


  • PHP (version 4 and 5 supported)
    • You need GD2 (for more info see: GD manual on and xsl extension enabled to display all images correctly
    • GD version: between version 1.6 and 2.0.28, GIF support in GD library has been suspended, so make sure you have a greater version
    • PHP 4: since PHP 4.3 there is a bundled version of the GD library
    • PHP 5: you need a wrapper (included in this version) to display SVG and VML correctly
  • Web Browser: Mozilla to correctly view SVG image file and Internet Explorer for VML.
  • Web Server (i.e. Apache) installed on your computer
  • Operating System: Windows or Linux


  • Unzip the ditribution in your webserver's document directory (i.e. C:/Server/Apache/htdocs)
  • Ensure that your web server is running
  • Open your preferred browser and go to index.html under the project directory

Files structure

    Main files
  • gif2svg.php: include a GIF image in an SVG
  • gif2vml.php: include a GIF image in a VML
  • svg2gif: transform, thanks to PHP GD2 library, an SVG image in a GIF format
  • svg2vml: convert SVG in a VML, through XSLT language
  • vml2gif: transform, thanks to PHP GD2 library, a VML image in a GIF format
  • vml2svg: convert VML in a SVG, through XSLT language
  • xslt-php4-to-php5.php: wrapper that ensure compatibility with PHP4 xslt function calls and allows application to work quite properly
  • svg2vml.xsl and vml2svg.xsl: main stylesheets that enables transformations between SVG and VML
  • Main folders
  • FONT/: truetype fonts
  • XSL/: sub-stylesheets for VML to SVG conversion
  • XSL2/: sub-stylesheets for SVG to VML conversion

Command Line Interface


  • PHP: you need to have a PHP interpreter on your operating system with GD2 (for more info see: GD manual on and xsl extension enabled to display all images correctly


    There's no need any installation. It's only necessary to:

  • open a command shell
  • digit: [php_interpreter] vc.php -{vml, svg, gif} fileToConvert.ext fileConverted.ext

  • where:

  • [php_interpreter]: command to run your php interpreter
  • vc.php: executable file
  • -{vml, svg, gif}: option to select the desired type of conversion
  • fileToConvert.ext: file to convert path, where ext is the file extension
  • fileConverted.ext: desired converted filename, where ext is the file extension selected in the option

File structure

It's the same of the web browser version, with:

  • vc.php: script that execute the conversion
  • vectorConverter.php: where is defined the Vector Converter object class Logo



Last change: 21 July 2007